Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is the most widely used therapy in treating anxiety and depression
This course is presented by Crossroads Counseling and Education
Course Description
Steps of CBT
Cognitive Trap as the aim of CBT
Intellectualization is a pitfall of CBT
Transfusions aren't necessary to improve mood
What is the complaint?
Solvable Problem
Relationship Between Complaint and Presenting Problem and Context
Determine Levels of Care.
Cure, Cope, and Protect
Types of Problems
Overview of Types of Problems
Overview of Problem/Population by Levels of Care
Automatic Negative Thoughts
Here are the CBT questions
Logic of CBT Interventions
One Step at a Time
It may take more than one try at a new skill
Got to keep those negative thoughts from dominating your life
Emotional reactions can be extreme
What is the best type of CBT homework?
Examples of homework
Irony of measurement
Remember the Circle?
Find a CBT therapist
Here are the websites of the presenters